Friday, April 8, 2022

 I have seen it, there the pot of broken coins that sit therein

All the hollow infestations of the ones redeemed from sin

I have felt the grinning nothing and the mighty nods from them

As they tell themselves how pious and how humble they therein

And like an orb that glitters bright reflecting sources oft nearby

Dancing brilliantly and lovely , just as long as others shine

But after sun has set and there are no others bright within

And no spark is found to take and nurse reflections outside in 

It is darkness they embrace and soak the light that others shine

It is the nothingness that draws the life that's yours and mine

But, in the end it does no good to raise a fist against the dark

It cannot see your rage, cannot contain an inner spark

And though the urge does come to stand, to shout, to muster strength within,

What is the point to fight when there is nothing there to win.

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